First off, I had to learn a little Loglan to come up with this name. "Le ractua" literally means "the traveling worker", and can be interpreted as a "migrant worker". Ractuas (lo ractua, "lo" is how you say some thing is many or plural.) are the stellar migrant workers of FTL:2448. I admit that I got this idea from the wonderful online comic Dicebox by Jenn Manley Lee. A story of two migrant workers plying the starlanes.
When a seasonal business needs a "grupa turka" (a bunch of workers) they will hire this unique breed of migrant worker. Lo ractua are a group of workers that take working passage on ships, or ride in cryosleep to the next world that has "ro fu corperpli" or many temp jobs.
Many colonies don't have the people to do all the jobs that are available or only occur at irregular times. The lo ractua fill that role. They travel from system to system, from fu corperpli to fu corperpli. They don't earn much, just enough to keep food in their stomach, and to pay for ice bed on the next trip. If they can wrangle a "le fu corperpli sea racketpi" or working passage, they will, as most dislike cryosleep.
There are generations of lo ractua wending their ways through ISCO space, after the next job and dry place to sleep. Many are in need of adequate health care, and most shy away from the authorities, as they don't trust the ICL or ISCO.
Third or fourth generation lo ractua speak nothing but Loglan, are slightly taller than grounders, and have connections everywhere, even on good ole mother Earth. Typically these lo ractua have a strong constitution and a stronger back, but may be missing minor body parts like fingers or other appendages. Normally, they travel either as complete family units, or as pairs, typically as a civil union couple, whether or not they actually are.
Some "lo ractua kulgru" (migrant worker clans) have been able to pool their money and buy a claptrap of a space ship, and then form one of the infamous kibbutz ships. Most of these ships have seen better days, hell, better centuries, and only by dint of constant repair and scavenging parts, do they even fly. If caught by a ICL patrol boat with nothing better to do, they are typically towed to the nearest planet and the ship impounded. This typically lasts until the kulgru can pool enough money to get the ship out of impound orbit and off they go again.
This is just the beginning for this concept. I plan to expand it some more.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Snapshot: Fomalhaut V: New America
Name New America, AKA Fomalhaut V
Orbital Radius: 6.1 AU
Orbital Period: 9.53 Years
Orbital Eccentricity: 0.035
Moons: 3
Moon 1: Washington
Lunar Radius: 700 KM
Lunar Orbit: 37,400 KM
Lunar Density: 1.2
Lunar Mass: 0.002
Lunar Gravity: 0.167 G
Lunar Year: 19.68 hours
Moon 2: Franklin
Lunar Radius: 70 KM
Lunar Orbit: 40,800 KM
Lunar Density: 1.2
Lunar Mass: Negligible
Lunar Gravity: Negligible
Lunar Year: 20.27 hours
Station: Alverez Station
Station Orbit: 53,000 km
Station Orbital Period: 30 hours
Moon 3: Jefferson
Lunar Radius: 400 KM
Lunar Orbit: 102,000 KM
Lunar Density: 1.2
Lunar Mass: 0.0003
Lunar Gravity: 0.074 G
Lunar Year: 3.39 days
Planet: New America
Radius: 6,800 KM
Density: .96 Earth
Mass: 1.18 Earth
Gravity: 1.04 G
Escape Velocity: 1.05 Earth
Axial tilt: 22°
Day: 30 hours
Composition: Iron-nickel, medium metal core
Tectonic Activity: PLATELET TECTONIC: the crust is thinner, plates smaller and the plates recycle themselves much faster. This world has much volcanic activity.
Magnetic field: .1 Gauss
Base Temp: 256 K
Average Temperature: 293 K, 20.03° C
Day: 300 K, 27.4° C
Night: 286 K, 12.7° C
Hydrosphere: 77%
Atmosphere composition: N2 73% , O 20%, CO2 4%, CH4 3%
Atmosphere pressure: 1.18 Atmospheres
Albedo: .98
Life: Single celled forms and some lichen
Population: Human: 297,973; Blox: 344,023; Kendak: 28,433
Languages: Mongolian 30%; Deitsch "Pennsylvanian Dutch" 15%; K'Blox
51%; Signe 4%; Loglan 60%
New America was the first world to be settled in the Fomalhaut system in 2105 by a mixed group of Amish and Mongolian peoples. Both groups represented the most strictest interpretation of their cultural beliefs: The Amish were know as "Old Order Amish" and consisted of three groups situated in Pennsylvania and Ohio regions of the former United States of America, while the Mongols were a group from the former Autonomous Region of Inner Mongolia in the former People's Republic of China. They found that the traditional Mongolian way of life was being turned into a tourist attraction and many of their children were abandoning their way of life in preference to integrating into the Chinese culture.
Separately, these two groups petitioned ISCO to provide a colony world that they could call there own. Altogether, ISCO found it had to find a colony for 38,000 people. Then the reports from Alverez expedition came back, and ISCO was able to field 8 Homesteader class ships to move the colonists and their belongings to Fomalhaut V, which they later found out had been named "New America" by the Alverez expedition.
Of the 38,000 people, 10,000 were Amish, 28,000 were Mongolian. The two groups stayed separate on the voyage out and upon arrival at New America, they claimed different portions of the world. However, this proved to be impractical.
At the time, the atmosphere on New America only had 5% Oxygen in it, with high levels of Methane and lethal levels of CO2. The colony ships carried experimental Terraforming biotics: mainly two kinds of algae, one for seeding the oceans and an airborne version that was seeded high in the atmosphere. Both plants were designed to thrive in the type of environment that was provided by the planet New America.
The atmosphere was not toxic to plant life, so while the plants thrived, the first settlements were under inflated domes and the farmers had to wear breathers or environmental suits when they workied their farms. The Mongols had brought yaks and horses and the Amish brought chickens and cattle, as well as frozen embryos for other species. The two very different groups found that they had to work together to make this world a new home.
When the Alverez Colonial Corporation colony arrived, the Amish and Mongols banded together to force these interlopers off their world. But the deep seated beliefs of the Amish overruled banning the new colony from rotating people down to the planet. But in those early years, resources were tight, the plants had yet to establish themselves, and any extra mouths to feed could not be supported.
However, because the Amish and Mongols were now very dependent on technology and the Stationers were the only close source of technology, they altered their ways of life to accommodate a small number of them on their world and to run the ground port.
It took a hundred years before the air around the settlements became breathable, though there are areas on New America where the atmosphere is still lethal with high levels of CO2. Free of their domes, the colony went through a growth spurt and increased in size, as the colonists celebrated their new found freedom.
In this one hundred years, the two disparate cultures, Amish and Mongolian, merged, creating a new, unique culture never before seen. There were two Amish only settlements that forsook all technology as soon as they could as well as any contact with other colonists, and at least one Mongol only settlement that also did not mingle, but the vast majority of the Amish Mongols were new breed of people, mixed culturally as well as genetically.
Amish Mongols have a eurasian appearance, with hair color across the spectrum of normal human coloration. Culturally, they still do not use much in the way of modern technology, they only use that technology that doesn't violate their beliefs of work and humility before God. They are all pacifists, but more along the line of "I won't bother you, unless you bother me, and if you do, may the lord help you..."
Technologically speaking, they are practitioners of sustainable technology, they only use that technology that can be simply maintained and operated without a massive infrastructure. Though one observer has noted that while the Amish Mongols do not have a massive technological infrastructure on their planet, they "borrow" their infrastructure from the one in orbit about their world in the form of Alverez Station.
In 2246, two colony ships arrived from Blox. On board where several thousand K'Blox, a Bloxian ethnic minority, seeking a new haven to live and maintain their culture. K'Blox are the heavy world version of the Blox, and have thicker limbs, and a lighter body than their Bloxian brethren.
Culturally, they were not that different from the Amish Mongols, so they were welcomed into the existing enclaves and allowed to settle. A small group of a hundred or so K'Blox decided to setup their own settlement, did not join the rest of the colony.
The K'Blox were followers of the Karmook Quornk prophet. Karmook had preached the simpler life, he even preached against the intense bureaucracies that had formed on Blox. This alienated the Karmooka, as the K'Bloxian and Bloxian followers were called, from the mainstream Bloxian society.
While the Bloxian Karmooka had large enclaves on Blox, similar to those the Amish had on Earth, the K'Bloxians did not. They were few in number and were getting fewer. Emigrating to America was their only choice as they saw it.
At first they were strange blue balls of talking fur, but after while, and with more than one barn raising, the K'Blox have become indispensable members of American society.
Finally, in 2398 a Kendak named Bob arrived at America. There were about 5,000 of Bob on the colony ship. The Bob Hivemind had taken on the personality of an Amish man it had met on Earth. Bob now sought the simple life for itself, and America beckoned. Not knowing what to do with such a creature, the Amish Mongols and K'Blox held a council and debated over allowing such a being... beings... whatever, to settle on America.
When several of Bob were invited to speak, they proved to be well informed about traditional Amish ways, and beliefs. They also proved to be hard workers, the worker drones of Bob could work in perfect unison when it came to barn raising, or constructing Solar Cell platforms. After a month of discussion, the council decided to allow Bob to settle.
Bob made a decision, and broke into five hiveminds, Bob, John, Paul, George, and Abby. Each one settled near a different Amish Mongol Karmooka community. The Abby hivemind stayed near the ground port and has changed its name to Rosa and has taken on the personality of Rosa Alverez, the wife of the head of the Alverez family.
Today, visitors must get a visa to land on America, and they are not allowed in several communities. America is the breadbasket of the Fomalhaut system, supplying much of the food eaten or sold on Alverez Station and other orbital facilities.
The sky has a faintly green tint, due to the airborne algae and its constant battle with the many active volcanoes on America. Much of the native life on Fomalhaut is gone, except for the deep ocean extremophiles and various forms of anaerobic bacteria that still thrive in geysers and thermal vents. Grasses cover 40% of the planet's land, while forests only occupy 10%. The rest is arid, lifeless lava plains and basaltic rock.
The Game of Life is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Orbital Radius: 6.1 AU
Orbital Period: 9.53 Years
Orbital Eccentricity: 0.035
Moons: 3
Moon 1: Washington
Lunar Radius: 700 KM
Lunar Orbit: 37,400 KM
Lunar Density: 1.2
Lunar Mass: 0.002
Lunar Gravity: 0.167 G
Lunar Year: 19.68 hours
Moon 2: Franklin
Lunar Radius: 70 KM
Lunar Orbit: 40,800 KM
Lunar Density: 1.2
Lunar Mass: Negligible
Lunar Gravity: Negligible
Lunar Year: 20.27 hours
Station: Alverez Station
Station Orbit: 53,000 km
Station Orbital Period: 30 hours
Moon 3: Jefferson
Lunar Radius: 400 KM
Lunar Orbit: 102,000 KM
Lunar Density: 1.2
Lunar Mass: 0.0003
Lunar Gravity: 0.074 G
Lunar Year: 3.39 days
Planet: New America
Radius: 6,800 KM
Density: .96 Earth
Mass: 1.18 Earth
Gravity: 1.04 G
Escape Velocity: 1.05 Earth
Axial tilt: 22°
Day: 30 hours
Composition: Iron-nickel, medium metal core
Tectonic Activity: PLATELET TECTONIC: the crust is thinner, plates smaller and the plates recycle themselves much faster. This world has much volcanic activity.
Magnetic field: .1 Gauss
Base Temp: 256 K
Average Temperature: 293 K, 20.03° C
Day: 300 K, 27.4° C
Night: 286 K, 12.7° C
Hydrosphere: 77%
Atmosphere composition: N2 73% , O 20%, CO2 4%, CH4 3%
Atmosphere pressure: 1.18 Atmospheres
Albedo: .98
Life: Single celled forms and some lichen
Population: Human: 297,973; Blox: 344,023; Kendak: 28,433
Languages: Mongolian 30%; Deitsch "Pennsylvanian Dutch" 15%; K'Blox
51%; Signe 4%; Loglan 60%
New America was the first world to be settled in the Fomalhaut system in 2105 by a mixed group of Amish and Mongolian peoples. Both groups represented the most strictest interpretation of their cultural beliefs: The Amish were know as "Old Order Amish" and consisted of three groups situated in Pennsylvania and Ohio regions of the former United States of America, while the Mongols were a group from the former Autonomous Region of Inner Mongolia in the former People's Republic of China. They found that the traditional Mongolian way of life was being turned into a tourist attraction and many of their children were abandoning their way of life in preference to integrating into the Chinese culture.
Separately, these two groups petitioned ISCO to provide a colony world that they could call there own. Altogether, ISCO found it had to find a colony for 38,000 people. Then the reports from Alverez expedition came back, and ISCO was able to field 8 Homesteader class ships to move the colonists and their belongings to Fomalhaut V, which they later found out had been named "New America" by the Alverez expedition.
Of the 38,000 people, 10,000 were Amish, 28,000 were Mongolian. The two groups stayed separate on the voyage out and upon arrival at New America, they claimed different portions of the world. However, this proved to be impractical.
At the time, the atmosphere on New America only had 5% Oxygen in it, with high levels of Methane and lethal levels of CO2. The colony ships carried experimental Terraforming biotics: mainly two kinds of algae, one for seeding the oceans and an airborne version that was seeded high in the atmosphere. Both plants were designed to thrive in the type of environment that was provided by the planet New America.
The atmosphere was not toxic to plant life, so while the plants thrived, the first settlements were under inflated domes and the farmers had to wear breathers or environmental suits when they workied their farms. The Mongols had brought yaks and horses and the Amish brought chickens and cattle, as well as frozen embryos for other species. The two very different groups found that they had to work together to make this world a new home.
When the Alverez Colonial Corporation colony arrived, the Amish and Mongols banded together to force these interlopers off their world. But the deep seated beliefs of the Amish overruled banning the new colony from rotating people down to the planet. But in those early years, resources were tight, the plants had yet to establish themselves, and any extra mouths to feed could not be supported.
However, because the Amish and Mongols were now very dependent on technology and the Stationers were the only close source of technology, they altered their ways of life to accommodate a small number of them on their world and to run the ground port.
It took a hundred years before the air around the settlements became breathable, though there are areas on New America where the atmosphere is still lethal with high levels of CO2. Free of their domes, the colony went through a growth spurt and increased in size, as the colonists celebrated their new found freedom.
In this one hundred years, the two disparate cultures, Amish and Mongolian, merged, creating a new, unique culture never before seen. There were two Amish only settlements that forsook all technology as soon as they could as well as any contact with other colonists, and at least one Mongol only settlement that also did not mingle, but the vast majority of the Amish Mongols were new breed of people, mixed culturally as well as genetically.
Amish Mongols have a eurasian appearance, with hair color across the spectrum of normal human coloration. Culturally, they still do not use much in the way of modern technology, they only use that technology that doesn't violate their beliefs of work and humility before God. They are all pacifists, but more along the line of "I won't bother you, unless you bother me, and if you do, may the lord help you..."
Technologically speaking, they are practitioners of sustainable technology, they only use that technology that can be simply maintained and operated without a massive infrastructure. Though one observer has noted that while the Amish Mongols do not have a massive technological infrastructure on their planet, they "borrow" their infrastructure from the one in orbit about their world in the form of Alverez Station.
In 2246, two colony ships arrived from Blox. On board where several thousand K'Blox, a Bloxian ethnic minority, seeking a new haven to live and maintain their culture. K'Blox are the heavy world version of the Blox, and have thicker limbs, and a lighter body than their Bloxian brethren.
Culturally, they were not that different from the Amish Mongols, so they were welcomed into the existing enclaves and allowed to settle. A small group of a hundred or so K'Blox decided to setup their own settlement, did not join the rest of the colony.
The K'Blox were followers of the Karmook Quornk prophet. Karmook had preached the simpler life, he even preached against the intense bureaucracies that had formed on Blox. This alienated the Karmooka, as the K'Bloxian and Bloxian followers were called, from the mainstream Bloxian society.
While the Bloxian Karmooka had large enclaves on Blox, similar to those the Amish had on Earth, the K'Bloxians did not. They were few in number and were getting fewer. Emigrating to America was their only choice as they saw it.
At first they were strange blue balls of talking fur, but after while, and with more than one barn raising, the K'Blox have become indispensable members of American society.
Finally, in 2398 a Kendak named Bob arrived at America. There were about 5,000 of Bob on the colony ship. The Bob Hivemind had taken on the personality of an Amish man it had met on Earth. Bob now sought the simple life for itself, and America beckoned. Not knowing what to do with such a creature, the Amish Mongols and K'Blox held a council and debated over allowing such a being... beings... whatever, to settle on America.
When several of Bob were invited to speak, they proved to be well informed about traditional Amish ways, and beliefs. They also proved to be hard workers, the worker drones of Bob could work in perfect unison when it came to barn raising, or constructing Solar Cell platforms. After a month of discussion, the council decided to allow Bob to settle.
Bob made a decision, and broke into five hiveminds, Bob, John, Paul, George, and Abby. Each one settled near a different Amish Mongol Karmooka community. The Abby hivemind stayed near the ground port and has changed its name to Rosa and has taken on the personality of Rosa Alverez, the wife of the head of the Alverez family.
Today, visitors must get a visa to land on America, and they are not allowed in several communities. America is the breadbasket of the Fomalhaut system, supplying much of the food eaten or sold on Alverez Station and other orbital facilities.
The sky has a faintly green tint, due to the airborne algae and its constant battle with the many active volcanoes on America. Much of the native life on Fomalhaut is gone, except for the deep ocean extremophiles and various forms of anaerobic bacteria that still thrive in geysers and thermal vents. Grasses cover 40% of the planet's land, while forests only occupy 10%. The rest is arid, lifeless lava plains and basaltic rock.
The Game of Life is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Snapshot: Fomalhaut IV: Dorsey
Planet: Dorsey: Fomalhaut IV:
Orbital radius: 4.7 AU
Orbital period: 6.4 years
Orbital eccentricity: 0.035
Moons: 0
Radius: 6,200 KM
Density: 0.8 Earth
Mass: 0.73 Earth
Gravity: .78 G
Escape Velocity: 9.74 km/s
Axial tilt: 40°
Day: 13 hours
Composition: Iron-nickel, medium metal core
Tectonic Activity: PLATELET TECTONIC: the crust is thinner, plates smaller and the plates recycle themselves much faster. This world has much volcanic activity.
Magnetic field: 8 Gauss (Earth is 0.305 Gauss)
Base Temp: 293.1 K
Average Temperature: 298 K, 25° C
Day: 302 K, 29° C
Night: 294 K, 21° C
Hydrosphere: 85%, Shallow oceans
Atmosphere composition: N2 77%, O2 21%
Atmosphere pressure: 1.022 atmospheres
Albedo: 1.02
Life: Carbon based, mostly aquatic, though land life forms do exist.
Human Population (2440): 1.2 million
Dorsey set many exobiologists running for their labs when it was determined to have an oxygen atmosphere, that it was less than a billion years old, and that it did not have an oversized moon for stabilization. According to all models, Dorsey should have had an atmosphere of nitrogen and carbon dioxide, and pond scum for life. Instead it has a vibrant biosphere, with many multicellular lifeforms. The question was why?
The answer it turns out, was the fact that this world didn't have a moon, was the reason why life exploded on this world. Most early exobiologists forgot one salient fact: When life is pushed into a corner, and then released, it adapts and evolves on an accelerated rate. The closet example on Earth was the Cambrian explosion, when after the Earth was covered in a global ice sheet that later melted, life on Earth went from unicellular to multicellular life in a blink of an eye, so to speak.
The highly variable axial tilt of Dorsey is quite capable of pushing life into the corners over and over. Something that the colonists that settled on Dorsey would find out.
In 2108, the thousand new colonists were shuttled to the surface of Dorsey from the ISCO Donner Pass. They landed on the largest piece of land nearest the equator. Named Gordonland, after the colony's first leader, Dick Gordon, the island was 400 km by 500 km in size. Numerous other islands were nearby, though the first boat wouldn't be built for another twenty years.
Gordonland was a volcanic island, fairly active one at that. Luckily it was formed over a hot spot in Dorsey's mantle, so it did not erupt explosively, but had relatively gentle lava flows that constantly increased the island's size. And on that volcanic soil, there was plant and animal life. Plants were mostly lichens and primitive mosses, and animal life was mostly 12 legged insects that ranged from miniscule to two foot in length. Life on Dorsey is based on DNA like replication, though there are some differences, enough that the local fauna and flora are not edible by man without some processing.
And most of that life was wiped out on Gordonland, primarily by the planting of grasses by the colonists. Within a hundred years, there was not single native species of plant life was left on the island. The insects released by the colonists tried to colonize the nearby islands, but without Terran plantlife, they died quickly trying to eat the local lifeforms. Burrowing insects and other Terran life, such as worms, took nearly a hundred years of tilling the soil and letting Terran microbes settle to displace the local biome.
The colonists formed four settlements: Newtown, Dropoff, Blackrock, and Vista. Each settlement had 250 colonists and an equal share of the seeds and farming equipment, though getting Terran plants to grow took time, and lot of sewage. Instead of dumping the sewage into the ocean, the best way to get Terran biomass into the soil was to use human waste. When the first first full harvest came in at Newtown, in 2112, they held and Thanksgiving and invited the other settlements to participate.
The colony was nearly wiped out when a massive hurricane that had been circling the pole, wound its way down to the equator. This happened just past the height of summer on Dorsey, in 2115. Summers on Dorsey last for 2 standard years, and they form massive hurricanes that circle the pole that is pointing to Fomalhaut during that part of the year.
Blackrock became the fishing port of Gordonland. Due to it's location near recent and current lava flows, Blackrock never got more than truck gardens going. They initially got by selling trading their sewage for food, when they was discovered that some of the aquatic lifeforms native to Dorsey were large, meaty, and with proper preparation, tasty and 75% digestible. The tastiest was a molluskiod that looked like a push-me-pull-you nautilus.
It was the fishermen from Blackrock that settled on the nearby islands and discovered the most dangerous life form on Dorsey: The Conkoral.
The Conkoral is a massive colonial organism made up of corals, but corals that differentiated into different functions, allowing the Conkoral to move. The largest Conkoral ever discovered was nearly a kilometer across. Smaller Conkorals, under 40 meters in size, are quite vicious and next to impossible to kill with standard firearms. So it is not that unusual to see fishing boats outfitted with artillery and an armory stocked with rocket propelled grenades and handheld anti-tank rockets.
Besides the Conkoral, an airborne lifeform found human flesh to be quite tasty, the Bladderwunder. An airborne colonial lifeform similar to a jellyfish, it is kept aloft by an immense bladder filled with hydrogen. They catch fire fairly easily, and their flesh burns like napalm. Clouds of Bladderwunders would descend on a group of humans or animals try to ensnare their prey with long tentacles tipped with venomous stingers. Bladderwunder toxin, a deadly nerve agent against Dorsian life, raises welts on the skin of most humans and causes allergic reactions to an unfortunate few. Standard defense against these flying bags of hydrogen is a well-placed flare from a flare gun.
In fact most animal life on Dorsey found Terran life tasty and edible. So it became habit for the colonists to carry knives, pistols, and other weapons when visiting or colonizing islands.
Life on Dorsey took some getting used to. The colony was settled in the what the colonists call the "Cool time", when Dorsey is side on to Formalhaut. Summer is whenever one of the poles point to Fomalhaut. This results in a 13 hour day, with most humans settling into a circadian rhythm of sleeping six to eight hours every two Dorsey days.
During the "North Summer" the sun sets in the north and at equinox, night time is a ruddy twilight on the equator. Then the sun starts setting further and further south, until Cool Time solstice is occurs and the sun rises in the East and sets in the West, then it continues setting further and further south dragging into South Summer.
The pole in shadow does manage to freeze over, but not for very long and the ice cap is not very large.
Humanity has spread across the equator of Dorsey, on islands or floating man-made islands. The Dorsies are a tough bunch, and are quite self-reliant.
The Game of Life is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Orbital radius: 4.7 AU
Orbital period: 6.4 years
Orbital eccentricity: 0.035
Moons: 0
Radius: 6,200 KM
Density: 0.8 Earth
Mass: 0.73 Earth
Gravity: .78 G
Escape Velocity: 9.74 km/s
Axial tilt: 40°
Day: 13 hours
Composition: Iron-nickel, medium metal core
Tectonic Activity: PLATELET TECTONIC: the crust is thinner, plates smaller and the plates recycle themselves much faster. This world has much volcanic activity.
Magnetic field: 8 Gauss (Earth is 0.305 Gauss)
Base Temp: 293.1 K
Average Temperature: 298 K, 25° C
Day: 302 K, 29° C
Night: 294 K, 21° C
Hydrosphere: 85%, Shallow oceans
Atmosphere composition: N2 77%, O2 21%
Atmosphere pressure: 1.022 atmospheres
Albedo: 1.02
Life: Carbon based, mostly aquatic, though land life forms do exist.
Human Population (2440): 1.2 million
Dorsey set many exobiologists running for their labs when it was determined to have an oxygen atmosphere, that it was less than a billion years old, and that it did not have an oversized moon for stabilization. According to all models, Dorsey should have had an atmosphere of nitrogen and carbon dioxide, and pond scum for life. Instead it has a vibrant biosphere, with many multicellular lifeforms. The question was why?
The answer it turns out, was the fact that this world didn't have a moon, was the reason why life exploded on this world. Most early exobiologists forgot one salient fact: When life is pushed into a corner, and then released, it adapts and evolves on an accelerated rate. The closet example on Earth was the Cambrian explosion, when after the Earth was covered in a global ice sheet that later melted, life on Earth went from unicellular to multicellular life in a blink of an eye, so to speak.
The highly variable axial tilt of Dorsey is quite capable of pushing life into the corners over and over. Something that the colonists that settled on Dorsey would find out.
In 2108, the thousand new colonists were shuttled to the surface of Dorsey from the ISCO Donner Pass. They landed on the largest piece of land nearest the equator. Named Gordonland, after the colony's first leader, Dick Gordon, the island was 400 km by 500 km in size. Numerous other islands were nearby, though the first boat wouldn't be built for another twenty years.
Gordonland was a volcanic island, fairly active one at that. Luckily it was formed over a hot spot in Dorsey's mantle, so it did not erupt explosively, but had relatively gentle lava flows that constantly increased the island's size. And on that volcanic soil, there was plant and animal life. Plants were mostly lichens and primitive mosses, and animal life was mostly 12 legged insects that ranged from miniscule to two foot in length. Life on Dorsey is based on DNA like replication, though there are some differences, enough that the local fauna and flora are not edible by man without some processing.
And most of that life was wiped out on Gordonland, primarily by the planting of grasses by the colonists. Within a hundred years, there was not single native species of plant life was left on the island. The insects released by the colonists tried to colonize the nearby islands, but without Terran plantlife, they died quickly trying to eat the local lifeforms. Burrowing insects and other Terran life, such as worms, took nearly a hundred years of tilling the soil and letting Terran microbes settle to displace the local biome.
The colonists formed four settlements: Newtown, Dropoff, Blackrock, and Vista. Each settlement had 250 colonists and an equal share of the seeds and farming equipment, though getting Terran plants to grow took time, and lot of sewage. Instead of dumping the sewage into the ocean, the best way to get Terran biomass into the soil was to use human waste. When the first first full harvest came in at Newtown, in 2112, they held and Thanksgiving and invited the other settlements to participate.
The colony was nearly wiped out when a massive hurricane that had been circling the pole, wound its way down to the equator. This happened just past the height of summer on Dorsey, in 2115. Summers on Dorsey last for 2 standard years, and they form massive hurricanes that circle the pole that is pointing to Fomalhaut during that part of the year.
Blackrock became the fishing port of Gordonland. Due to it's location near recent and current lava flows, Blackrock never got more than truck gardens going. They initially got by selling trading their sewage for food, when they was discovered that some of the aquatic lifeforms native to Dorsey were large, meaty, and with proper preparation, tasty and 75% digestible. The tastiest was a molluskiod that looked like a push-me-pull-you nautilus.
It was the fishermen from Blackrock that settled on the nearby islands and discovered the most dangerous life form on Dorsey: The Conkoral.
The Conkoral is a massive colonial organism made up of corals, but corals that differentiated into different functions, allowing the Conkoral to move. The largest Conkoral ever discovered was nearly a kilometer across. Smaller Conkorals, under 40 meters in size, are quite vicious and next to impossible to kill with standard firearms. So it is not that unusual to see fishing boats outfitted with artillery and an armory stocked with rocket propelled grenades and handheld anti-tank rockets.
Besides the Conkoral, an airborne lifeform found human flesh to be quite tasty, the Bladderwunder. An airborne colonial lifeform similar to a jellyfish, it is kept aloft by an immense bladder filled with hydrogen. They catch fire fairly easily, and their flesh burns like napalm. Clouds of Bladderwunders would descend on a group of humans or animals try to ensnare their prey with long tentacles tipped with venomous stingers. Bladderwunder toxin, a deadly nerve agent against Dorsian life, raises welts on the skin of most humans and causes allergic reactions to an unfortunate few. Standard defense against these flying bags of hydrogen is a well-placed flare from a flare gun.
In fact most animal life on Dorsey found Terran life tasty and edible. So it became habit for the colonists to carry knives, pistols, and other weapons when visiting or colonizing islands.
Life on Dorsey took some getting used to. The colony was settled in the what the colonists call the "Cool time", when Dorsey is side on to Formalhaut. Summer is whenever one of the poles point to Fomalhaut. This results in a 13 hour day, with most humans settling into a circadian rhythm of sleeping six to eight hours every two Dorsey days.
During the "North Summer" the sun sets in the north and at equinox, night time is a ruddy twilight on the equator. Then the sun starts setting further and further south, until Cool Time solstice is occurs and the sun rises in the East and sets in the West, then it continues setting further and further south dragging into South Summer.
The pole in shadow does manage to freeze over, but not for very long and the ice cap is not very large.
Humanity has spread across the equator of Dorsey, on islands or floating man-made islands. The Dorsies are a tough bunch, and are quite self-reliant.
The Game of Life is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Gordon Dickinson,
Sci Fi,
Science Fiction,
Snapshots: History of Alverez Station
From Fegbottom's Guide to Alverez Station:
History of the Fomalhaut System:
In 2021 Fomalhaut became one of the first stars put under the scrutiny of the Terrestrial Planet Finder telescope array. 12 planets were observed in orbit about the star, 8 within the 20 AU "doughnut" hole in the circumstellar dust disk that surrounded Fomalhaut. Each planet was given designations of Fomalhaut I, Fomalhaut II, etc. In the dust disk itself are four, still accreting, gas giants.
At the edge of the hole is Fomalhaut VIII, a massive, (2.3 Jupiter masses) gas giant, large enough to warp the dust ring with its gravity.
Fomalhaut I, II, and III are small rocky worlds, varying between Mercury and Mars in size. Fomalhaut IV is a large, Earth size world, without a moon. Fomalhaut V also was approximately Earth size, and had three moons.
Fomalhaut VI and VII are both small gas giants, Neptune sized. Unfortunately Fomalhaut VII is being perturb by Fomalhaut VIII and according to most simulations will be ejected from the system in about another million years. This is expected to alter the orbits of the inner worlds, so climatic changes are expected to occur.
In 2100, a modified Port Huron class exploration ship, the ISCO Cape Canaveral, captained by Juan Alverez, arrived in system. Son of the Tech baron Jorge Alverez, he was examining the viability of the two habitable worlds for colonization for the Alverez corporation. He explored the system for two years before returning to Earth.
In the process of exploring and deploying system buoys, (Automated satellites that provided navigation data and solar conditions for ships in system), Alverez named each of the worlds.
The three, small, inner worlds he named after his children, Lupe, Pedro, and Juan. Fomalhaut IV was named after his ex-wife, Dorsey. Fomalhaut V he named New America, while the three moons were named Washington, Franklin, and Jefferson.
The two small gas giants he named Romulus and Remus. The massive gas giant Fomalhaut IIIV, he named Gojira. The four still accreting gas giants, he collectively named "Los Ninos" because they were still "in the womb" and not born yet.
Fomalhaut was earmarked for colonization and ISCO was partly funding this mission. Both Alverezs were under the impression that because they were exploring the system, they'd get first rights on the worlds there. Unbeknownst to them, ISCO was assembling eight colony ships, destined for Fomalhaut V.
Returning to Earth in 2104, he and his father sunk the family fortunes into a colony project. It was then that they found about the ISCO funded colony to New America. Dorsey was not suitable, having entered a period of intense wobble, its axis wavering between 40° and 30° inclination.
So Alverez Technologies liquidated itself and created Alverez Colonial Corporation (ACC). Two Homesteader class colony ships were available and where purchased with money ACC didn't have. They weren't able to leave until 2106, two years after the ISCO colony had arrived at New America.
When the ISCO Death Valley and the ISCO Donner Pass arrived in 2108, the ISCO colony was firmly entrenched. The ISCO colony consisted of Amish and Mongols, seeking a world of their own, so that they could maintain their ways of life without any influence from the other cultures. When the ACC shuttlecraft landed, they were met by armed Mongols and Amish armed with bibles, tar, and feathers.
After some discussion, temporary housing was established, while ACC regrouped and considered its options.
The three ships, the ISCO Cape Canaveral, ISCO Death Valley and the ISCO Donner Pass, were in orbit. The six colonial shuttles were ferrying colonists back and forth between the surface and the two colony ships. This was so that no one would suffer too much bone loss, and other zero-G maladies. Food was needed, as the ship's stores were not sufficient for a prolonged stay in orbit.
The Cape Canaveral was reverted back to its original mining configuration and headed out into the target rich environment of Fomalhaut to mine for ore, since the Amish and Mongols refuse to recognize ISCO dollars as legitimate legal tender.
On top of all their other worries, half of the some nine thousand colonists were about to have their contraception implants expire. The prospect of four thousand colonists of child bearing age on board ships that were already at near capacity, finally spurred the Alverez Colonial Corporation to make a decision... They would stay in space in orbit around America and build a space colony.
A small group of colonists, about one thousand or so individuals, disagreed with that decision and petitioned ACC for the rights to settle on Dorsey. Despite the current climatic upheavals on that world, thanks to its increased wobble, they were willing to give it a try. They pooled what money they had to buy the heavy farm machinery from ACC, and demanded their fair share of the seed catalog and embryo banks.
Jorge Alverez decide to bless their attempt, with agreement that if the space colony had relocate, it could do so to the Dorsey colony. The Dorsey colonists agreed and they were shuttled to Dorsey aboard the Donner Pass and landed on the only suitable piece of land on a world that was nearly 85% water. The life that they made for themselves there would become the stuff of legend.
When the Donner Pass returned to New America, with heavy heart, Jorge ordered the Donner Pass and the Death Valley disassembled into viable life system sections. Cargo holds were made air tight, the power plants from both ships were moved to the automated station. Empty cargo containers were either converted into zero-g office/lab/work modules, or packed full of asteroidal slag from the solar refinery and used for radiation shielding.
The fusion drive from the Donner Pass was turned into large superconducting hub for a cable suspended habitat rotation system. Twenty years later, the Death Valley's drive was turned into a hub for a second, counter rotating cable suspended farming habs.
Hanging off of each end of the massive arrays of single crystal iron cables were the refurbished lifesystems of the two colony ships, spinning about the small station like some giant's bolo. Initially it wobbled and took some fine tuning with weights suspended on the cables to balance out the loads. But in the end, Alverez Station was officially declared open for business in 2116.
And it was just in time. In 2117 an ISCO ship arrived with a court order for restitution to the banks and businesses that had invested in ACC. Luckily, they had mined sufficient quantities of iron, copper, titanium, cometary organics, and other valuable minerals and chemicals that they could pay off their creditors.
When word of the new station and the riches of the Fomalhaut system got back to Earth, at least three major mining companies moved operations to the quickly growing stack of zero-g modules off of the small automated station. Over the years this stack of modules, work pods, industrial habs, and other units grew into a chaotic hodgepodge, that later earned the nickname "The Hodgepodge" or simply, the "Hodge".
The original colony stayed operational and was expanded six times until finally the original habs were shut down and detached from the original hub in 2336, when the new, far more massive Alverez Habitat, a cylinder 5 kilometers long by 1.5 kilometers in diameter, was officially opened. The bridge units had been left attached to both habs and now reside in the Martian Air and Space Museum.
The Game of Life is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
History of the Fomalhaut System:
In 2021 Fomalhaut became one of the first stars put under the scrutiny of the Terrestrial Planet Finder telescope array. 12 planets were observed in orbit about the star, 8 within the 20 AU "doughnut" hole in the circumstellar dust disk that surrounded Fomalhaut. Each planet was given designations of Fomalhaut I, Fomalhaut II, etc. In the dust disk itself are four, still accreting, gas giants.
At the edge of the hole is Fomalhaut VIII, a massive, (2.3 Jupiter masses) gas giant, large enough to warp the dust ring with its gravity.
Fomalhaut I, II, and III are small rocky worlds, varying between Mercury and Mars in size. Fomalhaut IV is a large, Earth size world, without a moon. Fomalhaut V also was approximately Earth size, and had three moons.
Fomalhaut VI and VII are both small gas giants, Neptune sized. Unfortunately Fomalhaut VII is being perturb by Fomalhaut VIII and according to most simulations will be ejected from the system in about another million years. This is expected to alter the orbits of the inner worlds, so climatic changes are expected to occur.
In 2100, a modified Port Huron class exploration ship, the ISCO Cape Canaveral, captained by Juan Alverez, arrived in system. Son of the Tech baron Jorge Alverez, he was examining the viability of the two habitable worlds for colonization for the Alverez corporation. He explored the system for two years before returning to Earth.
In the process of exploring and deploying system buoys, (Automated satellites that provided navigation data and solar conditions for ships in system), Alverez named each of the worlds.
The three, small, inner worlds he named after his children, Lupe, Pedro, and Juan. Fomalhaut IV was named after his ex-wife, Dorsey. Fomalhaut V he named New America, while the three moons were named Washington, Franklin, and Jefferson.
The two small gas giants he named Romulus and Remus. The massive gas giant Fomalhaut IIIV, he named Gojira. The four still accreting gas giants, he collectively named "Los Ninos" because they were still "in the womb" and not born yet.
Fomalhaut was earmarked for colonization and ISCO was partly funding this mission. Both Alverezs were under the impression that because they were exploring the system, they'd get first rights on the worlds there. Unbeknownst to them, ISCO was assembling eight colony ships, destined for Fomalhaut V.
Returning to Earth in 2104, he and his father sunk the family fortunes into a colony project. It was then that they found about the ISCO funded colony to New America. Dorsey was not suitable, having entered a period of intense wobble, its axis wavering between 40° and 30° inclination.
So Alverez Technologies liquidated itself and created Alverez Colonial Corporation (ACC). Two Homesteader class colony ships were available and where purchased with money ACC didn't have. They weren't able to leave until 2106, two years after the ISCO colony had arrived at New America.
When the ISCO Death Valley and the ISCO Donner Pass arrived in 2108, the ISCO colony was firmly entrenched. The ISCO colony consisted of Amish and Mongols, seeking a world of their own, so that they could maintain their ways of life without any influence from the other cultures. When the ACC shuttlecraft landed, they were met by armed Mongols and Amish armed with bibles, tar, and feathers.
After some discussion, temporary housing was established, while ACC regrouped and considered its options.
The three ships, the ISCO Cape Canaveral, ISCO Death Valley and the ISCO Donner Pass, were in orbit. The six colonial shuttles were ferrying colonists back and forth between the surface and the two colony ships. This was so that no one would suffer too much bone loss, and other zero-G maladies. Food was needed, as the ship's stores were not sufficient for a prolonged stay in orbit.
The Cape Canaveral was reverted back to its original mining configuration and headed out into the target rich environment of Fomalhaut to mine for ore, since the Amish and Mongols refuse to recognize ISCO dollars as legitimate legal tender.
On top of all their other worries, half of the some nine thousand colonists were about to have their contraception implants expire. The prospect of four thousand colonists of child bearing age on board ships that were already at near capacity, finally spurred the Alverez Colonial Corporation to make a decision... They would stay in space in orbit around America and build a space colony.
A small group of colonists, about one thousand or so individuals, disagreed with that decision and petitioned ACC for the rights to settle on Dorsey. Despite the current climatic upheavals on that world, thanks to its increased wobble, they were willing to give it a try. They pooled what money they had to buy the heavy farm machinery from ACC, and demanded their fair share of the seed catalog and embryo banks.
Jorge Alverez decide to bless their attempt, with agreement that if the space colony had relocate, it could do so to the Dorsey colony. The Dorsey colonists agreed and they were shuttled to Dorsey aboard the Donner Pass and landed on the only suitable piece of land on a world that was nearly 85% water. The life that they made for themselves there would become the stuff of legend.
When the Donner Pass returned to New America, with heavy heart, Jorge ordered the Donner Pass and the Death Valley disassembled into viable life system sections. Cargo holds were made air tight, the power plants from both ships were moved to the automated station. Empty cargo containers were either converted into zero-g office/lab/work modules, or packed full of asteroidal slag from the solar refinery and used for radiation shielding.
The fusion drive from the Donner Pass was turned into large superconducting hub for a cable suspended habitat rotation system. Twenty years later, the Death Valley's drive was turned into a hub for a second, counter rotating cable suspended farming habs.
Hanging off of each end of the massive arrays of single crystal iron cables were the refurbished lifesystems of the two colony ships, spinning about the small station like some giant's bolo. Initially it wobbled and took some fine tuning with weights suspended on the cables to balance out the loads. But in the end, Alverez Station was officially declared open for business in 2116.
And it was just in time. In 2117 an ISCO ship arrived with a court order for restitution to the banks and businesses that had invested in ACC. Luckily, they had mined sufficient quantities of iron, copper, titanium, cometary organics, and other valuable minerals and chemicals that they could pay off their creditors.
When word of the new station and the riches of the Fomalhaut system got back to Earth, at least three major mining companies moved operations to the quickly growing stack of zero-g modules off of the small automated station. Over the years this stack of modules, work pods, industrial habs, and other units grew into a chaotic hodgepodge, that later earned the nickname "The Hodgepodge" or simply, the "Hodge".
The original colony stayed operational and was expanded six times until finally the original habs were shut down and detached from the original hub in 2336, when the new, far more massive Alverez Habitat, a cylinder 5 kilometers long by 1.5 kilometers in diameter, was officially opened. The bridge units had been left attached to both habs and now reside in the Martian Air and Space Museum.
The Game of Life is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Sci Fi,
Science Fiction,
solar system,
space station,
Snapshots: Life on Alverez Station
From Fegbottom's Guide to Alverez Station:
...One thing that strikes many a sentient, is the how safe it is on a space station with a million inhabitants. And the reason for this is one of the most contentious and controversial practice ever discussed in known space: Behavioral Modification.
Every child on the station is monitored and "guided" to be a productive and law abiding citizen of the station. "I wouldn't have it any other way," says Eugene Jackson, head of the BeHave line of behavioral modification clinics that dot the station and on other colonies. "We live in an artificial environment, were one mishap can kill hundreds, if not thousands. We try to guide dangerous behavior that is not only tolerated, but almost encouraged in grounder cultures. Behaviors that cannot be allowed at all on our station."
Even immigrants to the station have to go through a personality screening, before being allowed to settle permanently on the station, and some immigrants do not pass. But to be honest, those who do not pass are the aberrations of their own culture, and to far gone for BeHave treatments. But not for full reconstruction and retraining, colloquially known as "R&R" or "Clockworking"
"I dislike the term 'clockworking'," says District Attorney Grisna F'be, "as it has some unsavory connotations. In any case, a sentence of reconstruction and retraining is only carried out on those individuals found guilty of a crime and those individuals cannot be assisted by a course of BeHave treatments. At that point we have the choice of either exiling the person or to try to make him, her or rie a productive member of society. If that means rebuilding the personality from the ground up, then that's what we have to do."...
...A visit to a classroom looks to be ordinary enough, but if you watch carefully, you may see that those children that resort to violence are sent to a small BeHave clinic in the school and have a session with the BeHave clinician about their anti-social tendencies. Surprisingly, this session does not involve drugs or hypnotic trances, but a one on one discussion between the clinician and the troubled child.
Of course there are stories where the result of these session ends up with the child's parents and siblings being summarily sent to a BeHave clinic for "Family Therapy". Interestingly enough, no official denies this happening...
"We have tried several times to change the laws of Alverez Station, but we are stymied," says Gregor Dean, of the ICLU. "Alverez Station is not a government per se, but a corporation, and as a corporation, they can enact rules and regulations that on other worlds would be illegal under ISCO and ICL laws. Life on Alverez Station is very much a 'Brave New World Order'."
"Rie Dean is blowing vacuum," replies Stationmaster Paulo Alverez. "The ICLU lives on a dirt ball, with free air and water for the taking. If some gangbanger opens up with a weapon in a building, no one is sucked out into space from the holes in the wall. The fumes from a Tri-meth-alze lab do not get into the lifesystem and poison thousands. We live in a very controlled environment, with a very hostile one outside our walls. We have to control those dangerous behaviors and personalities or thousands will die. And its not as though we are suppressing aggressive behavior. Far from that, in fact any one will tell you our traders and merchants are far from being benign pushovers. We know you cannot suppress aggression, so we instead redirect it into other areas, more often than not, into areas of interest that the person already has.
"I myself am a product of our system. I chose to redirect my aggression from hurting others to administrating and organizing groups. I used that aggression to become the best damn administrator and stationmaster Alverez Station has ever seen." It must be noted that despite his surname, Rie Alverez is not from the founding family Alverez, but the son of parents who came to the station fifty years ago.
So as a word of warning, if you come to Alverez Station for a visit, keep a cool head and stay honest...
The Game of Life is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
...One thing that strikes many a sentient, is the how safe it is on a space station with a million inhabitants. And the reason for this is one of the most contentious and controversial practice ever discussed in known space: Behavioral Modification.
Every child on the station is monitored and "guided" to be a productive and law abiding citizen of the station. "I wouldn't have it any other way," says Eugene Jackson, head of the BeHave line of behavioral modification clinics that dot the station and on other colonies. "We live in an artificial environment, were one mishap can kill hundreds, if not thousands. We try to guide dangerous behavior that is not only tolerated, but almost encouraged in grounder cultures. Behaviors that cannot be allowed at all on our station."
Even immigrants to the station have to go through a personality screening, before being allowed to settle permanently on the station, and some immigrants do not pass. But to be honest, those who do not pass are the aberrations of their own culture, and to far gone for BeHave treatments. But not for full reconstruction and retraining, colloquially known as "R&R" or "Clockworking"
"I dislike the term 'clockworking'," says District Attorney Grisna F'be, "as it has some unsavory connotations. In any case, a sentence of reconstruction and retraining is only carried out on those individuals found guilty of a crime and those individuals cannot be assisted by a course of BeHave treatments. At that point we have the choice of either exiling the person or to try to make him, her or rie a productive member of society. If that means rebuilding the personality from the ground up, then that's what we have to do."...
...A visit to a classroom looks to be ordinary enough, but if you watch carefully, you may see that those children that resort to violence are sent to a small BeHave clinic in the school and have a session with the BeHave clinician about their anti-social tendencies. Surprisingly, this session does not involve drugs or hypnotic trances, but a one on one discussion between the clinician and the troubled child.
Of course there are stories where the result of these session ends up with the child's parents and siblings being summarily sent to a BeHave clinic for "Family Therapy". Interestingly enough, no official denies this happening...
"We have tried several times to change the laws of Alverez Station, but we are stymied," says Gregor Dean, of the ICLU. "Alverez Station is not a government per se, but a corporation, and as a corporation, they can enact rules and regulations that on other worlds would be illegal under ISCO and ICL laws. Life on Alverez Station is very much a 'Brave New World Order'."
"Rie Dean is blowing vacuum," replies Stationmaster Paulo Alverez. "The ICLU lives on a dirt ball, with free air and water for the taking. If some gangbanger opens up with a weapon in a building, no one is sucked out into space from the holes in the wall. The fumes from a Tri-meth-alze lab do not get into the lifesystem and poison thousands. We live in a very controlled environment, with a very hostile one outside our walls. We have to control those dangerous behaviors and personalities or thousands will die. And its not as though we are suppressing aggressive behavior. Far from that, in fact any one will tell you our traders and merchants are far from being benign pushovers. We know you cannot suppress aggression, so we instead redirect it into other areas, more often than not, into areas of interest that the person already has.
"I myself am a product of our system. I chose to redirect my aggression from hurting others to administrating and organizing groups. I used that aggression to become the best damn administrator and stationmaster Alverez Station has ever seen." It must be noted that despite his surname, Rie Alverez is not from the founding family Alverez, but the son of parents who came to the station fifty years ago.
So as a word of warning, if you come to Alverez Station for a visit, keep a cool head and stay honest...
The Game of Life is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
brain washing,
mind control,
Sci Fi,
Science Fiction,
space station,
Welcome to the Lost Worlds of FTL:2448
Welcome to the Lost Worlds of FTL:2448!
This blog will try to provide more background in one of the more older SF RPGs ever published. I'm John Reiher, I'm one of the original playtesters and later writers for FTL:2448. This game has been one of my passions for the past thirty years, one that I'm glad to share with you.
So welcome to the blog and to the Lost Worlds of FTL:2448!
This blog will try to provide more background in one of the more older SF RPGs ever published. I'm John Reiher, I'm one of the original playtesters and later writers for FTL:2448. This game has been one of my passions for the past thirty years, one that I'm glad to share with you.
So welcome to the blog and to the Lost Worlds of FTL:2448!
role playing,
Sci Fi,
Science Fiction,
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